Seven Crucial Vocations Course
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The Seven Crucial Vocations
A Free On-line Course of Studies
presented by Crucial Christian Institute
For Free Enrollment please indicate the parish and location you attend. After the first introductory class, for those wish to continue with the course, please request permission to promote the Seven Crucial Vocations classes in your parish or school. If you do receive permission we will send brochures for you to place in your literature rack, and if you do not please let us know why and who we can contact to rectify matters.
Free online coursework covers the Seven Crucial Vocations. Additional interactive classes and cohort podcasts specifically tailored to men, women, young men, young women, marital couples, vowed evangelicals, or priests are also available.
The Seven Crucial Vocations Curriculum Covers:
As grace builds upon nature, the Seven Crucial Vocations Series is a two-semester course of online study, with optional interactive features available, that addresses both the Crucial Human Vocations
1. Psychomoral Vocation
2. Incarnational Vocation
3. Familial Vocation
and the Crucial Christian Vocations
4. Baptismal Vocation
5. Ecclesial Vocation
6. Electoral Vocation
As a capstone to the course, the 7th Sociopolitical Vocation, both its ramifications for the enthronement of the feminine heart of the home and the masculine sociopolitical promotion of, and devotion to, that heart and home, is explicated as deriving from both for nature and grace.
The Three Crucial Human Vocations are covered in the first semester of studies. Here these crucial natural vocations are studied so as to facilitate their actualization in the student.
1) The Psychomoral Vocation calls for a person to actualize the image of God, that is, the person's being created as free and rational being able to both assent to truth and choose to love the good.
2) The Incarnational Vocation calls for a person to live in accord with the human mortal status, the very cross of existence, and the demarcation of the flesh according to God-given gender.
3) The Familial Vocation calls for a person to properly order, value, and advance the family as the basic and most important unit of the socio-political realm, as well as the ecclesial realm.
The Three Crucial Christian Vocations are covered in the second semester of studies. Here these crucial supernatural vocations are studied so as to facilitate sanctification in the student.
1) The Baptismal Vocation calls for a person to purgatively decrease so as to sanctifyingly increase the indwelling of Christ, so as to become a soul that magnifies the Lord, which is the specific Christian vocation.
2) The Ecclesial Vocation calls for a person to develop and follow a conscience informed by both natural law and divine truths as enunciated by Holy Mother Church.
3) The Electoral Vocation calls for a person to discern and follow the particular path to holiness in fulfillment of the Baptismal Vocation, be that in the familial, evangelical (a.k.a religious), or priestly states.
Vocational Integration
All the vocational states, be they natural or super-natural, build upon one another, are integral, one to the other, and reciprocally impact each other.
The natural Psychomoral Vocation, where the person fulfills his rational-volitional being in an analogous manner to God (that is similar in functionality but not actually sharing in the nature of God) is thus built upon in the supernatural Baptismal Vocation, where the person fulfills his sanctification (that is sharing in the very nature of God through divine indwelling).
The natural Incarnational Vocation, where the human person fulfills his vocation as a corporal body, is built upon by the supernatural Ecclesial Vocation, where the Christian fulfills his vocation in the Mystical Body of Christ.
The natural Familial Vocation, where the person fulfills his vocation as a member of the essential human society, is built upon in the supernatural Electoral Vocation, which entails the sacramental marital state, as well as the vowed evangelical state, which is a flowering of that marital state, and the ordained state, which is ordered toward the ministry to the faithful (the bulk of which is in the familial and marital state).