Imago Dei Press
Crucial Christianity
Crucialism is based on the premise that third millennium Catholics, along with their contemporaries, are enmeshed in a confusing maze of relativism and escapism, all enabled and enhanced by material abundance and technological advances. As such, crucialism aims at an essential and relevant presentation of not only divinely revealed truths, but those of natural law as well.
Psychomoralitics is a thoroughly developed and expostulated science built upon the most time-tested conceptualization of integral human nature. As a completely divergent and antithetical discipline to those of the mental health professions, psychomoralitics is also the very remedy and antidote to the iatrogenic harms caused by those professions.
The Three Marks of Manhood
The Three Marks of Manhood can help Christian families realize their identity to the fullest, empowering them to resist the encroachment of secular culture. Read it and learn how to build a strong and lasting marriage, raise children to become faithful men and women of God, and foster an authentic Catholic culture within your home.