The Feminine Charism
Cultivating the Sweet Womanly Heart
The Feminine Charism, Cultivating the Sweet Womanly Heart, is a 30-day retreat program. The participants will consists of a small cohort of women seeking vocational discernment or renewal. In addition to participating in a retreat program that follows a monastic horarium of prayer, work, and recreation, retreatants will also be able to avail themselves of a full course (7 sessions) of Psychomoralitics with the program director, Dr. G.C. Dilsaver.
The program is intended for women who desire to further manifest the feminine charism by conforming their hearts to that of the Blessed Mother's. In doing so emotional, moral, and relational issues that impede the feminine charism will be diminished and that which facilitates it promoted. As grace builds upon nature, both the vocation of holy matrimony and the consecrated life build upon womanliness. But many women today have had the blossoming of the feminine heart hampered psychomorally due to the familial and/or sociological improprieties so endemic to our age.
The Feminine Charism program is based on Crucial Christian Living and Psychomoralitics expounded in Dr. Dilsaver's books, Psychomoralitics: The Soul-Deep Alternative to the Failed Mental Health Professions (2018); Celebrating God-Given Gender: Masculinity & Femininity per Nature & Grace (2017); and The Three Marks of Manhood (2010).
The Pastoral Program of Crucial Christian Living
The Pastoral Program of Crucial Christian Living combines the clinical science of Psychomoralitics and the ethos theology of Crucialism so as to identify and rectify emotional, behavioral, moral, or spiritual obstacles and allow for unimpeded psychomoral and characterological growth. Crucial Christian Living draws on the wisdom of the Catholic ages in accord with the call and conditions of the current times and contemporary man. CCL is an answer to today's narcissistic and antiChristic Western culture and the often inadequate familial upbringing that results in deficient psychomoral and characterological formation. Thus, the soil of the soul may not have been cultivated adequately to profitably receive the seeds of the gospel and subsequently produce its full yield.
The Seven Crucial Vocations
The retreat will study and emphasize various combinations of the Seven Crucial Vocational States, which are: 1. Psychomoralitic Vocation; 2. Incarnational Vocation; 3. Familial Vocation; 4. Sociopolitical Vocation; 5. Crucial Christian Vocation; 6. Ecclesial Vocation; 7. Individual Christian Vocation. The first four vocational states are of nature and apply to all persons. The last three vocational states are of super-nature and apply to all Christians. All the vocational states, be they natural or super-natural, reciprocally impact each other. Finally, God-given gender specificity and charism are essential to the incarnational and familial vocation and integrated with all.
In addition to individual, group, and family sessions, each week consists of formal classes as well as study and discussion groups centered on these classes. Each week focuses on key concepts, both in their natural and supernatural aspects:
Week 1 focuses on the Imago Dei vocation: The (Super)Nature of Creaturehood.
Week 2 focuses on the Incarnational Vocation: The (Super)Nature of Womanhood.
Week 3 focuses on the Familial Vocation: The (Super)Nature of the Maternal Vocation.
Week 4 focuses on Christian Vocation: Our Lady as the (Super)Nature of the Perfect Creature, Woman, and Christian.
Catechetical classes round out the curriculum. There is prescribed homework and evaluations of mastery of material. Spiritual exercises (e.g., traditional Mass, Rosary), manual work (e.g. gardening) and recreation (e.g., knitting, hikes) are extracurricular.
Required Texts
Required texts to be acquired are Imitation of Christ (Kempis); Autobiography of St. Therese of Liseiux (Clark); Trustful Surrender to Divine Providence (Saint-Jure, La Colombière); Psychomoralitics: The Soul-Deep Alternative to the Failed Mental Health Professions (Dilsaver); Celebrating God-Given Gender: Masculinity & Femininity per Nature & Grace (Dilsaver); and The Three Marks of Manhood (Dilsaver). Additional literature and devotionals may be brought at the discretion of the retreatant.
Notebooks and writing material are also required. No electronics allowed. Cell Phones will be held in the office and may be used when necessary.
Knitting Materials
Please bring needles and yarn. Please contact the Institute of Crucial Chrisitan Living for more details.
Modest dresses or skirts/blouses are required at all times during the retreat. Please contact the Institute for Crucial Christian Living for more details.
As a definitively NON-DSM discipline and practice, Psychomoralitics does not utilize, employ, or implement in any manner or form the DSM and/or Mental Health conceptualizations, nosology, terminology, or treatments. In addition, Psychomoralitics is not compromised by the degrading and privacy invasive requirements of the State/Insurance/Pharmaceutical Mental Health System. All activities of the retreat are under the Crucial Christian House of Studies and strictly of a non-profit religious nature. Crucial Christian Retreat Programs are not residential or day-programs and neither staff nor the Institute of Crucial Christian Living, assume legal or other responsibilities for participants.
The program is intended for women who desire to further manifest the feminine charism by conforming their hearts to that of the Blessed Mother's. In doing so emotional, moral, and relational issues that impede the feminine charism will be diminished and that which facilitates it promoted. As grace builds upon nature, both the vocation of holy matrimony and the consecrated life build upon womanliness. But many women today have had the blossoming of the feminine heart hampered psychomorally due to the familial and/or sociological improprieties so endemic to our age.
The Feminine Charism program is based on Crucial Christian Living and Psychomoralitics expounded in Dr. Dilsaver's books, Psychomoralitics: The Soul-Deep Alternative to the Failed Mental Health Professions (2018); Celebrating God-Given Gender: Masculinity & Femininity per Nature & Grace (2017); and The Three Marks of Manhood (2010).
The Pastoral Program of Crucial Christian Living
The Pastoral Program of Crucial Christian Living combines the clinical science of Psychomoralitics and the ethos theology of Crucialism so as to identify and rectify emotional, behavioral, moral, or spiritual obstacles and allow for unimpeded psychomoral and characterological growth. Crucial Christian Living draws on the wisdom of the Catholic ages in accord with the call and conditions of the current times and contemporary man. CCL is an answer to today's narcissistic and antiChristic Western culture and the often inadequate familial upbringing that results in deficient psychomoral and characterological formation. Thus, the soil of the soul may not have been cultivated adequately to profitably receive the seeds of the gospel and subsequently produce its full yield.
The Seven Crucial Vocations
The retreat will study and emphasize various combinations of the Seven Crucial Vocational States, which are: 1. Psychomoralitic Vocation; 2. Incarnational Vocation; 3. Familial Vocation; 4. Sociopolitical Vocation; 5. Crucial Christian Vocation; 6. Ecclesial Vocation; 7. Individual Christian Vocation. The first four vocational states are of nature and apply to all persons. The last three vocational states are of super-nature and apply to all Christians. All the vocational states, be they natural or super-natural, reciprocally impact each other. Finally, God-given gender specificity and charism are essential to the incarnational and familial vocation and integrated with all.
In addition to individual, group, and family sessions, each week consists of formal classes as well as study and discussion groups centered on these classes. Each week focuses on key concepts, both in their natural and supernatural aspects:
Week 1 focuses on the Imago Dei vocation: The (Super)Nature of Creaturehood.
Week 2 focuses on the Incarnational Vocation: The (Super)Nature of Womanhood.
Week 3 focuses on the Familial Vocation: The (Super)Nature of the Maternal Vocation.
Week 4 focuses on Christian Vocation: Our Lady as the (Super)Nature of the Perfect Creature, Woman, and Christian.
Catechetical classes round out the curriculum. There is prescribed homework and evaluations of mastery of material. Spiritual exercises (e.g., traditional Mass, Rosary), manual work (e.g. gardening) and recreation (e.g., knitting, hikes) are extracurricular.
Required Texts
Required texts to be acquired are Imitation of Christ (Kempis); Autobiography of St. Therese of Liseiux (Clark); Trustful Surrender to Divine Providence (Saint-Jure, La Colombière); Psychomoralitics: The Soul-Deep Alternative to the Failed Mental Health Professions (Dilsaver); Celebrating God-Given Gender: Masculinity & Femininity per Nature & Grace (Dilsaver); and The Three Marks of Manhood (Dilsaver). Additional literature and devotionals may be brought at the discretion of the retreatant.
Notebooks and writing material are also required. No electronics allowed. Cell Phones will be held in the office and may be used when necessary.
Knitting Materials
Please bring needles and yarn. Please contact the Institute of Crucial Chrisitan Living for more details.
Modest dresses or skirts/blouses are required at all times during the retreat. Please contact the Institute for Crucial Christian Living for more details.
As a definitively NON-DSM discipline and practice, Psychomoralitics does not utilize, employ, or implement in any manner or form the DSM and/or Mental Health conceptualizations, nosology, terminology, or treatments. In addition, Psychomoralitics is not compromised by the degrading and privacy invasive requirements of the State/Insurance/Pharmaceutical Mental Health System. All activities of the retreat are under the Crucial Christian House of Studies and strictly of a non-profit religious nature. Crucial Christian Retreat Programs are not residential or day-programs and neither staff nor the Institute of Crucial Christian Living, assume legal or other responsibilities for participants.